Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What are you grateful for today?

Growing up in a Military household required many moves through the years.  In the early 70s and 80s, I did not have the internet and social media, so it was much more challenging to keep in touch with old friends.  I wrote letters and sent postcards while at the same time, I made new friends and learned about new cities, countries, and cultures.  Most of the time, I lost touch with friends. Life, like this, is exciting and sometimes overwhelming.

The advent of Facebook allowed me to reconnect with these old friends in a new way.  While some people are critical of the time we spend on social media; I have found Facebook to be a rewarding experience.

As I began painting again, after twenty years of raising children, posting my artwork on Facebook allowed me to gain confidence, refine my skillset, and receive positive feedback from many people who have known me much of my life.

One of my dearest friends came with me to my first "show," this past weekend, The United Methodist Annual Conference in Collierville, TN, allowed me to showcase my prayer journals and my gratitude journals in addition, to my artwork.  I recognized a man, and his wife, who had a significant impact on my life some 40 years ago.  There is so much joy in reunions such as these. I felt such support and kindness from these friends and everyone around me.

I am grateful for great friends and the relationships I have had, I am grateful for my new friends, and I am grateful for social media.

What are you grateful for today?

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